Flights to Uganda
Flights to Uganda for in and out of Entebbe International Airport, 40 km from Kampala.
The national carrier, Uganda Airlines, flies to several European and African destinations. International Airlines flying Uganda that you should book with for your flights to Uganda.
Other airlines with flights to Uganda are listed below. Provided that you have a valid passport, a visa, and a return ticket, you should go through the entrance formalities at Entebbe with no hassle. Visitors who arrive by air will often be asked to produce their yellow fever vaccination certificate.
1 Emirate from Dubai/EBB
The airline flies Daily on return flights from Dubai to Entebbe International Airport (EBB)
2 Kenya Airways Nairobi/EBB
Daily Flights from Nairobi in Uganda
3 Ethiopian Airlines Addis Ababa/EBB
Daily flights into Entebbe from Addis Ababa international airport
4 Egyptair
From Cairo International Airport to Entebbe International Airport twice a week.
5 South African Airways
Daily South Africa Airways flights to Entebbe international airport from Johannesburg, South Africa.
6 Qatar Airways
Daily flights from Qatar Airways to Entebbe International Airport from UAE.
7 Rwanda Airways
Rwanda Airways offers daily flights from Kigali international airport to Entebbe international airport.
8 KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
Five times a week, flights into Entebbe International Airport from Amsterdam.
9 SN Brussels
Flies into Entebbe international airport 3 times a week.
Other Airlines with Flights to Uganda
1 Areolink
Domestics Airline Flying to all national parks in Uganda and airstrips.
Mission aviation fellowship flying to neighbouring countries South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo, and national parks of Uganda.
3 Precision Air
Regional airline and helicopter rides.
4 Vine Air
Domestic flights, flights to Johannesburg, South Africa.
Uganda’s international airport is at Entebbe, 40km from Kampala. The national carrier, Uganda Airlines, flies to several European and African destinations.
In Europe, the best place to find cheap tickets to Africa is Brussels, London, and Amsterdam.
Provided that you have a valid passport, a visa, and a return ticket, you should whiz through the entrance formalities at Entebbe with no hassle. Visitors who arrive on flights to Uganda are required to produce a yellow-fever vaccination certificate and a covid-certificate.
The only reason why a fly-in visitor would be likely to arrive in Uganda without a return ticket is that they intend to travel more widely in Africa.